What do I need to do to enroll in this course?

Step 1: You must identify and secure the agreement of a Biology department faculty member to act as your project supervisor. Without this agreement from a potential supervisor, you cannot enrol in the course.

Step 2: Have you completed Step 1?

No. Go back and complete Step 1.

Yes? Read on.

Step 3: After securing your potential supervisor, you must obtain the packet of enrollment materials from Tracey Gayle in SW421 or from here. Complete this packet with help from your supervisor. You and your potential supervisor must sign the forms. In addition, your potential supervisor must sign each page of your printed transcript.

Note: Students working in a lab, or doing field research must complete WHMIS & Lab Safety Training. Students working with vertebrate animals must undergo animal care training. Students working with biohazards must undergo biosafety training. Your faculty supervisor can assist you with enrollment in the proper training session(s).

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